Milada Sakic
Teaching: Horary and Electional Astrology
Milada Sakic began her own path to self-realization, captivated by the beautiful symbolic language of astrology at a young age. She researched a wealth of metaphysical subjects while studying Eastern mysticism, Vedic philosophy, Sanskrit & devotional music. Milada also wrote and published some of her own poetry work and essays coincidentally shortly after discovering astrology as a powerful self-realization tool at the age of sixteen.
Since I can remember, I have always intensively searched for answers to our soul's purpose and meaning of life. The study of astrology has given me a holistic and analytical approach, coupled by spiritual insight, like no other discipline has. However, my curiosity about the meaning of cycles of life and death, human suffering, and evolutionary lessons we came to master in this life continually deepened.
In December 2009, a dear teacher and mentor, Ron Bippus, asked me to take over the teaching of his Horary & Electional Astrology work because he was dealing with a life-altering and inevitable diagnosis. I am indebted to him for the support, guidance, wisdom, and teaching he passed on to me, and most of all, for his trust in my abilities to not only carry on his teaching, but to potentially further this complex astrological discipline after his transition.”
Milada has been teaching the Horary & Electional Astrology course for the CAAE Diploma Program since 2010. Since 2013, she has been also teaching the Soul Journeys® Akashic Records Certification Program & The Soul Journeys® Method (Level 1-3). She is offering private readings and coaching. Through her work, she enjoys guiding people to powerfully align to their soul’s purpose and accelerate their intuitive development. By clearing fear-based limiting beliefs that are holding them back from realizing their full potential, she ultimately supports them in achieving wellbeing, wholeness, and to experience extraordinary results.
Milada graduated with her Astrological Consulting Diploma (Dipl. CAAE) in 2009, achieved the Akashic Records Consultant (Level IV) – The Soul Journeys ® Method diploma in 2009, and is also a CCF Certified Coach Practitioner by Certified Coaches Federation.
She is an executive member of the Canadian Association for Astrological Education (CAAE) and an associate member of Astrology Toronto.
Method of Delivery
In Class - Steeles Ave East/Don Mills-DVP area
via Zoom
Astrology Courses Offered
Horary & Electional Asttrology - Fundamentals
Prerequisite: CAAE Level 2 minimum, Level 3 recommended (or the equivalent knowledge and ability to read and delineate an astrological chart at an intermediate to advanced level)
Description: The Horary & Electional Astrology – Fundamentals course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in principles of horary & electional astrology. Each class is limited to 5 students and min. 4 students are required to run each live or Skype class.
It is a 10-week course (20 hours of instruction and min. 30 hours of individual study) with 5 homework and 2 final assignments required to complete the course (a certificate will be awarded upon completion counted towards the CAAE diploma).
We will start the course by learning how to apply classical horary rules to natal chart analysis, and then will study how to answer specific questions by interpreting a chart calculated for the time of the question.
In the second part, our focus will be on learning how to select the time that allows a successful outcome of any new project - from marriage and surgery, new business or website launch, to buying or selling a house, purchasing a car, and much more. Full curriculum will be provided to students who register. The course Textbook: The Horary Handbook by Ron Bippus & Milada Sakic, 2013 version, will be provided.