The photo that accompanies “Who’s afraid of little old me?” was the motivating factor for writing the article in the first place. The Taylor Swift in this photo is not the pretty pop star with a fanbase of tweens dancing in front of their mirrors, hairbrushes doing double-duty as microphones. This Taylor Swift embodies, in one image, how adult women are responding to the attack on women’s rights that is occurring around the world.
“Who’s afraid” focuses on the transformation from pop star to poster child of female rage, against the backdrop of the release of The Tortured Poet’s Department, Taylor’s latest album. In order to write this article, I had to first go through a Rectification process, which is included as a downloadable pdf.
The “natal” interpretation of the rectified chart is detailed in the Rectification portion of this project, as it was primarily used as a test to verify the validity of the rectified time. For clarity I have included some of the information from that analysis here.
I hope you enjoy reading this article and the accompanying rectification as much as I enjoyed writing it….
Taylor Swift Overview

11:51 AM December 13, 1989
West Reading Pennsylvania
General Observations
The planets that are emphasized in this chart are Neptune and Jupiter as ruler and co-rulers of the Ascendant. In addition Jupiter rules the 10th house. The Sun is conjunct the MC in the 10th and the Moon is in the 4th in its own sign and house. There is a strong indication of Taylor’s very close connections to her parents. Her Moon in the 4th indicates a strong nurturing parent, while the Sun conjunct the MC indicates that her biggest champion may have been her father. Jupiter is also conjunct the Moon in the fourth and rules the 10th house, so her mother is also a big part of Taylor’s public persona. I believe she managed Taylor’s early career, while her father became a major shareholder in BMR records. Pluto and the T-square to the nodes in the 6/12 speaks to generational healing and spiritual growth through service.
The Configurations
The two stelliums in the chart are opposite each other and are connected to the Water trine, converting it into a Kite. Oppositions give clarity, allowing one to see both sides of any situation, although they can also indicate decision paralysis, as either side of the opposition seems like a plausible resting place. The key is finding the balance point.
Stelliums are also indicators of energy kept in reserve. At times, the repressed energy of the planets may release erratically, with an intensity about their expression that confirms the appropriateness of the repression. It can become a repeating cycle.
In the case of the 10th and 11th house stellium, Mercury and Neptune are “bookended” by Saturn and Uranus, both in Capricorn. Taylor’s voice is not freely expressed, she may be plagued by self doubt, especially in her youth. Mercury connects with the Moon and Jupiter in the second stellium via the opposition and she may find it easier to express herself in poetry or through her music in the 4th house, her comfort zone. In her music and song lyrics Taylor speaks of her troubled relationships and “outs” those who have caused her pain. In her lyrics she provides a trail of breadcrumbs for her eager fans to follow and speculate upon. It is a double edged sword, the people she writes about have no outlet of their own; speaking out only validates Taylor’s version of events. This is the how she uses the energy of the Kite. The truth of Pluto, the self-preservation of the Moon and nebulous Pisces hinting and hiding in plain sight. The sextiles from the trine to the 11th house stellium provide determination and imagination, along with a catchy tune. The Kite becomes a lightening rod.
Pluto, also connected to the T-square with the nodes, provides an opportunity for healing. As Taylor matures, she may realize that continuing to use her platform to expose is not a positive expression of her talents, she must evolve and transcend, as is her Piscean nature. Young Taylor may see herself as the noble sacrifice, but at some point she has to forge a new path.
It is also worth noting that Taylor’s personal planets are poorly connected to the chart. The Moon and Mercury are locked into the stelliums and the Sun, Venus, and Mars are basically unaspected although there are connections to the MC and the asteroids. This can only add to the isolation she must have felt as a child and could contribute to a sense of detachment, or feeling like an archetypal figure in her own life.
The Event
April 19, 2024 - Release of The Tortured Poet Dept.
As well as performing in what must be an exhausting world tour, Taylor has somehow managed to write and release her most controversial album so far. The Tortured Poet’s Department is a departure from the pop songs of her past, with their Easter eggs and hidden messages. This new body of work is melancholy, introspective and beautifully evocative. The lyrics have her fanbase in a frenzy of speculation. Taylor has mastered the art of words as weapons, and wields her sword masterfully.

A new Fire Trine involving the MC and Chiron in Transit and Solar Arc, speaks to the opportunity for healing. Looking at the 10th house cusp, PR Mars, SA Pluto and natal Sun are all conjunct the MC on this date. SA Chiron, in the 6th and speaks to the healing effect of the self-reflection and TR Chiron in the 1st is indicative of the relationship between Taylor’s public persona and her own feelings of self-worth.
Since the addition of the Tortured Poets set to the ongoing Eras Tour, the tour itself has become known as the embodiment of female rage. Taylor has evolved from heartbroken girl, to a fierce woman, intent on taking back her power. The new set is dark and shrouded with mist as Taylor appears on the stage defiant and in control. The audience is responding in the only way angst driven youth can, meeting her halfway with a rage of their own.
The Yod with Natal Vesta sextiling the Moon and Jupiter in the 4th house stellium are both inconjunct TR Pallas in the 9th. The sextiles are in the houses of Endings and the apex is in a house of life: only by breaking with the past can Pallas be free.
The opposition of Pallas and the Moon across the 1/7 houses, is squared by Jupiter in the stellium. This speaks of a new found ability to not lose herself in relationships, retain her sense of identity.
The Eras tour winds up in December of this year, and I believe it will indeed mark the end of an Era, we will see a very different Taylor Swift in the future.
Chiron, the once wounded is now the healer.
Download PDF of Taylor Swift Rectification Project