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Venus Retrograde 2025: Time to Review our Identity and Relationships

By Rob Shaw

Did you know that Venus cycles retrograde approximately every eighteen months for about 40 days? This year Venus stations and turns retrograde on March 1st at approximately 10 degrees and 50 minutes in Aries. The planet of love, beauty and partnerships returns to direct motion again on April 12th at approximately 24 degrees 37 minutes of Pisces. It’s important to note a couple things; it will retrograde into Pisces on March 27th, and it is also bracketing a Mercury retrograde which occurs from approximately March 14th to April 6th. This Mercury retrograde begins at about 9 degrees 35 minutes of Aries, retrogrades into Pisces on March 30th, and then is stationery direct on April 6th at 26 degrees 50 minutes of Pisces. As Mercury rules your thinking, ideas and intellect, and Venus rules your feelings and relationships, this tandem retrograde cycle is likely to assist in shifting your self-identity and how you relate to others.

The Talking Points

  1. Venus turns retrograde in Aries March 1st so financial or relationship problems may occur. Don’t panic and beat up on people. Calmly defend yourself or walk away if necessary.

  2. Mercury turns retrograde March 14th and communications or electronic devices may break down. Don’t throw a tantrum. Be realistic and adjust or renegotiate any plans or travel arrangements where necessary.

  3. Slow down and THINK before you toss aside friends or relationships. They likely need a time-out, or discussion to reset some boundaries. Don’t be bullied and work together for peaceful resolutions.

  4. Try not to get overly aggressive in your communications, be compromising, fair and flexible. Double check all your financial calculations; yes that includes your investments and taxes.

  5. Things will get better after the retrogrades finish in early spring. Meditate more often.

  6. Try to recognize that these retrogrades are important time periods that point out areas of your life that need to be reviewed, restructured, or fixed.

  7. Now read the full article below to get the full picture.

An Unusual Tandem Venus and Mercury Retrograde

Note that both Mercury and Venus begin their retrogrades in Aries, and return to direct movement close to a couple degrees of each other in late Pisces, and they retrograde within two weeks of each other. These are important details and may have greater effects for people with personal planets or a stellium in Aries or Pisces close to each stationery degree. Likely, anyone with Cardinal, Fire, Mutable or Water planets near these degrees will feel the retrogrades more than the Fixed, Earth and Air signs, but all signs may feel this tandem retrograde cycle more strongly. The need for a restructuring of finances and/or relationships in particular, or how you relate to yourself and your own needs and expressions will be emphasized for most people. To use a popular contemporary phrase, this is a lot to unpack so let’s get started.

Although this article is more about Venus retrograde, it also surrounds the first Mercury retrograde of 2025. More details about Mercury retrograde are available here so this is a quick rundown of its retrograde in Aries/Pisces.

Generally, Mercury retrograde in Aries may indicate more than ever a need to start over or reinvigorate activities pertaining to yourself and your own needs due to the energizing and initiating effect of Aries. As it then retrogrades into Pisces, situations may become “muddier” due to the dissolving and sometimes confusing effect of Neptune- and 12th house-ruled Pisces when it contains the retro Mercury. But some may find creative inspiration or new ideas and solutions as well; things are not always so bad with retrogrades as they can be opportunities to retool aspects of your life that you’ve overlooked.

Whereas Aries is generally very clear and straightforward, and sometimes aggressive, regarding intentions and activities due to its apparent fearlessness or ego-centricity, its neighbour Pisces is much less so. In truth, Pisces energy may intend to be clear but as we are aware with the Fishes, things may get slippery, confusing or even passive-aggressive. The duality of the sign may be seen and described through its ruler Neptune. At first, the dissolving effect can be very confusing, like trying to swim eyes-open through murky waters. But, when we stop moving, remain still and wait, the murkiness often resettles and not only are we provided with clarity again, but we may be creatively inspired to move forward with greater awareness of the situation after quietly assessing our options. This certainly describes the state of the world today as the newly-elected US president appears intent on muddying many relationships worldwide.

How May This Mercury Retrograde in Aries/Pisces Relate to Me?

Depending on where these signs fall in your horoscope and which planets they contain, all manner of typical Mercury retro problems may arise requiring a “do-over” or initially, a breakdown of communications, electronics, hand-held devices, development of costly financial issues, or ruined/delayed travel plans. As the 12th house is the 3rd health house, particularly hospitals or other places of confinement, some people may face illness or accidents that hold them back requiring a “time-out” or recovery period. The 12th is also a house that concerns major corporations like banks or insurance, government, the prison system, and at times other legal issues. We’ve already seen the USA fire a very large component of federal employees. They’ve also threatened trade wars with its closest allies; its friends and neighbours (Mercury-ruled 3rd house) Canada and Mexico, and China, and with threats leveled against other European, Asian, Mideastern, and Latin American countries. Nearly all over the world right now we have nations in great uproar or transition to put it mildly, even without the USA’s malevolent threats under their new leadership. Hopefully, when Mercury is direct again, soon followed by relationship-oriented Venus, and past their “shadow” phases the after-effects of volatile negotiations, elections, legal injunctions, and trade agreements or discussions will have more positive repercussions as the Mercury and Venus retrogrades correct imbalances in these relationships.

To determine how this first Mercury retrograde may affect you personally, pay close attention to any aspects from Mercury to planetary placements by house and aspect, or to your natal Mercury for the areas which could see the most likely changes. See below for an explanation of potential personal influences via the houses involved.

How May Venus Retrograde in Aries/Pisces Affect Me?

When Venus is retrograde in any sign, close partnerships are highlighted especially concerning longstanding relationships but new relationships may also show some growing pains. Through its Taurus/2nd house rulership finances, issues concerning food and other forms of sustenance, your work, money, (or joint finances or loans also involving the 8th house) become problematic. Through its Libra/7th house rulership, friends, partners, and lovers from the past may suddenly reappear, or legal disputes can occur which may bring complications or reappraisal of your interactions or contractual agreements. Some relationships go through conflicts and crises, or one or both may suddenly decide to temporarily separate, or a relationship may reach a predicament and end during a Venus retrograde. Sometimes this is not forever as the “redo” theme of a Venus retrograde is that relationships are often appraised and given second chances later, but with new agreements and boundaries. Some relationships may be lost forever, or for an extended period of time.

At first, Venus retrograde may appear threatening to your livelihood and where this is may be determined through house position and aspects. But like every other retrograde there may be an opportunity to put yourself back on firmer ground financially or in relationships when Venus is direct again. If there are Venus-related problems, remember that pain is a symptom of a greater, deeper issue and not necessarily the problem in itself.

Over time, people and their individual needs change, and two or more people in any relationship are not always in agreement, and the differences become more noticeable or grating during a Venus retrograde. Sometimes these variances create disagreements and conflicts and this is why the relationship may need reappraisal. This scenario can be carried over to the workplace, with children, or lovers, or in any relationship as denoted by house/sign position and aspects. Usually, the boundaries need to change or be renegotiated, or one party will be kicked out or make an exit. Remedial choices are often best made after the Venus retrograde, using the retrograde period for renegotiation.

This Venus retrograde in Aries may have a lot to do with worldwide political conditions that have become populist, isolationist or aggressive putting many on the defensive. In more than just one country, leaders are expanding in (or seizing) political power yet seek to have more than their fair share. Our current society in many places appears to be based on greater competition (fire signs) to obtain more than the others (cardinal signs) with celebrity, narcissism, and global dominance being sought by just a few oligarchs or politicians. And here is where a more peaceful Venus in Pisces (a planetary elevation remember) and its soothing and healing energies may be of help.

Pisces energy can be manipulative but it’s also discerning and shrewd when striving for improvements for self AND others. It is rarely selfish, and as a mutable water sign, we can hope that the issues recently raised can be renegotiated with cooler heads and a realization that collectively there is greater strength in cooperative relationships. This may also occur for you in personal life matters. Perhaps the Venus in Pisces attitude can bring about peaceful resolutions to any disputes at hand whether political or personal. Of course, this takes great insight and understanding so the best that can be said for this 2025 Venus retrograde that brackets a Mercury retrograde is that things won’t be the same come May.

In general, for each of us personally, the Mercury retrograde in Aries/Pisces may be much the same as for the Venus retrograde, but with a greater blended emphasis on relationships and finances. Examine where natal Mercury/Venus and transiting Mercury/Venus is in your horoscope, and their houses/aspects to determine how these retrograde cycles may personally affect you. The key takeaways of this tandem retrograde are likely that we will be required to more than ever before improve and reorganize COMMUNICATIONS, our WORK and interdependent RESPONSIBILITY to others, and our FINANCES and RELATIONSHIPS, due to the respective Mercury or Venus rulerships. The Mercury retrograde occurring inside the Venus retrograde cycle indicates the greater importance of better communication being key to resolving any issues. That includes the way you communicate with yourself. Ensure to keep your self-talk positive to maintain or improve a healthy self-identity. Many resolutions to Mercury or Venus related problems may occur on their own after their respective post-shadow phases. But NOW is a good time to review these issues and make plans to begin the resolutions or changes after the retrogrades.

What is Meant by a Retrograde Shadow Period?

The term shadow in astrology is used to describe a planetary effect in a couple different ways but with similar meanings.

In a natal horoscope: A planet that is within a few degrees before the next house it is posited is said to “cast a shadow” into the next house and therefore may have influence in that next house too. E.g. The native has Mars at 3 degrees Sagittarius in the 4th house and the 5th house cusp is 5 degrees Sagittarius. Although Mars is located in the 4th house it may have influence in the 5th house as well, perhaps with Mars activities even blending the two house influences more, such as a creative project undertaken at home.

By transit: A planet that is approaching the next house cusp by transit may also cast a shadow into the next house before it even gets there. E.g. Uranus is transiting the 7th house at 29 degrees of Taurus and is approaching the natal 8th house cusp of 3 degrees Gemini. The disruptive influences of Uranus may also be felt in the 8th house as sudden financial problems arising earlier than expected due to the shadow effect. Usually when describing shadow effects, fast moving planets have shorter orbs of maybe 2 to 4 degrees before the house cusp, and may be felt quickly for a short time. Whereas slow moving planets may have a greater orb of 6 to 8 degrees or more depending on the entire horoscope (and the astrologer or house system used) and be felt sooner for a longer period of time.

In retrograde cycles: Things are a bit different for the shadow effect of a retrograde planet and the “orb” influence is seen more in what is called the pre-shadow phase and the after-shadow or post-shadow phase. The pre-shadow is kind of like an orb in that it begins at the sign degree and minutes where the retrograding planet makes its station going direct. The after-shadow phase (orb) ends the retrograde more fully when passing the sign degree/minutes of the planet where it began its retrograde station. So, for the Venus retrograde, the pre-shadow phase began on January 28th when Venus was approximately 28 degrees 37 minutes of Pisces; the same degree and sign that Venus will end its retrograde and become stationary direct on April 12th. The post-shadow phase will end on May 16th at approximately 10 degrees and 50 minutes of Aries, the same position it was in on March 1 when Venus stationed and turned retrograde in the first place. The retrograde planet’s pre-shadow is the time period before the actual retrograde, but also when the retrograde influences may already begin to be felt as it “casts its shadow”. Sometimes, the shadow effect is occurring but with no immediate consciousness of it.

From January 28th onward, we certainly saw influences of Venus coming to a retrograde as relationships began to deteriorate or be in conflict on the world stage, and perhaps some issues were seen in your personal life too. Even though Venus ends its retrograde cycle and turns direct on April 12th, the retrograde influences may continue slightly, or full solutions do not come until May 16th when Venus is then beyond the same degree/minutes where it first went retrograde.

A bit confusing to get your head around perhaps, but remember that the strongest influences are usually felt during the actual retrograde. The pre-shadow and after-shadow phases may be less strong but often felt or seen by effect nonetheless. It may be best to delay most final decisions and changes until after the post-shadow phase, if possible, although sometimes at the stationary direct and after-shadow phase is when decisions are best made for the positive changes to occur.

Generally, take care during a pre-shadow phase or begin to slow down or prepare for the retrograde phase. It’s like you can see the train speeding towards you in the distance so get out of the way if you can, or prepare for its arrival. In the after-shadow phase we may be cleaning up the mess, or creating the concrete solutions to the problems. Although not detailed here, every Mercury (and other planetary) retrograde has a pre-shadow and post-shadow phase.

It’s interesting to note that the current Mercury-Venus pre-shadow retrograde cycles began during the later phases of Mars retrograde and the relationship has been seen in global politics. The Mars-retrograde cycle began with a Pluto opposition and these oppressive effects we’ve now seen. (See that article here.) To illustrate the shadow effects using the trade war disputes, we can see how the relationship breakdowns occurred in the pre-shadow phase, potentially indicating financial difficulties on all sides. Mercury’s pre-shadow phase began on January 26th. During the actual retrograde periods, things may get ugly again with many threats, lies, disagreements, and arguments arising, but in the after-shadow phase, reparations and new agreements are likely to occur with most issues being resolved after early May when Venus is beyond the point it first turned retrograde on March 1st. Mercury’s post-shadow effect will end on April 26th. Now let’s look at how this tandem Mercury-Venus retrograde may affect you personally.

How Will This Tandem Mercury-Venus Retrograde Affect Me?

In your natal horoscope during any transiting Mercury or Venus retrograde, take a good look at which signs/houses are involved and which planets may be in these houses: both natal and transiting aspects.

1st-7th house axis – Expect to have issues in legal matters, contracts, partnerships or aggressive conflicts with friends, teammates, or open enemies directly affecting you and/or a partner. Health issues relating to Mercury or Venus or Aries/Pisces physiological rulerships (or natal 1st house planets) may also occur. Be more aware to keep yourself calm and safe and expect intense negotiations to settle matters. Don’t ignore the relationship you have with yourself and watch your self-talk and review how you are communicating with others. How are you identifying yourself and what with? How are other people identifying you? Renegotiate boundaries where necessary. Although relationship issues may occur, permanent agreements, like signing contracts, are best made after the retrogrades.

2nd-8th house – Financial issues concerning work, or those relating to food, shelter, or joint investments could be highlighted. Avoid taking on loans or other financial risks at this time unless absolutely necessary. You may have to adjust your attitudes or activities on spending versus saving, or how you are nurtured, sustained or financially cared for. Unexpected taxation issues, job changes or losses at work can come up. Sex-related problems may even occur.

3rd-9th house – Problems involving education, schooling, travel, or communication in general especially with friends, peers, siblings or neighbours. Pay attention to “signs” and symptoms of potential troubles, perhaps even with foreign nationals, immigration or religious activities. Take extra care when traveling to avoid accidents. You may have to adjust how you get around in the community, or child care and teacher-student changes or issues may arise. Obviously, don’t rush while traveling, expect delays, and don’t book new trips if possible. Pay more attention to details.

4th -10th house – Disputes may arise involving home, parents, or other family members, real estate, and the general public/government or your job/career. Seek to balance your private and public persona and their appropriate individual needs. More people may work at home, or be mandated to show up at the office. A change in ownership or leadership could occur. Some may choose to or have to find a new home, or have family visit/move in/out. New rules or boundaries may have to be established.

5th-11th house – Disruptions may occur involving associates and friends, or with social, charitable help, or creative activities. Relationships with children, friends or lovers could be subject to problems. Some relationships and creative activities may have to be put on hold for awhile. Complications involving community help or other social or political structures could occur. Creative and artistic projects may change or be put on hold.

6th-12th house – May manifest as health problems, or relationships with people at work become “toxic” or weird. Rejection, abandonment, feeling captive, or another problem could bring up mental/emotional health issues. You may question what you’re doing with your life, or feel a need or desire to change your job/career. Take care not to act too quickly, or dump on yourself or others too much if things get tough, but don’t be a doormat either. Avoid hypochondria and victim-perpetrator games.

Generally, these retrograde planets do not bring about life-threatening issues on their own. Matters beyond your control may arise, but any problems occurring may relate to areas of your life which need to be examined and restarted, or reconfigured in one way or another. Especially with the tandem retrogrades of Mercury and Venus, solutions are likely more possible through better and open communication, realistically laying everything on the table, and creating or recognizing boundaries in relationships. While negotiations during the actual retrograde may bring about resolutions, after the retrograde, and during or past the after-shadow phases are a better time to make changes.

These retrograde cycles do not occur in vacuums. Transiting Uranus in Taurus and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces will make aspects to Mercury and Venus separately and within the same timeframes discussed here. Without going into detail with specific dates, its worth noting that Uranus in sextile to Mercury and Venus, and also when in sextile to Saturn or Neptune in Pisces may bring about greater insights, inventiveness, and more positive cooperation and peaceful resolutions eventually. We’ll leave Saturn’s and Neptune’s ingresses into Aries and their potential influences for another article.

My best advice is to remember not to panic or react too quickly, and remain emotionally intelligent no matter how scary things may appear during this time. And don’t hesitate to pray and meditate on you and the world both moving into more peaceful times. We often determine our self-identity based on certain relationships or the talents or liabilities that we embrace. These retrogrades may help provide a time to look deeper into ourselves and determine where we can develop greater solutions to our troubles, whether these are personal, involving one or more relationships, or due to influences beyond our control.

Although retrograde cycles appear to bring up negative experiences and periods, they also give us a chance to stop and think, maybe do something over again, and come up with healthier answers that serve us better going forward. Don’t let these retrograde cycle disruptions contribute to greater problems by ignoring them. Instead, try to view them as part of the process of becoming a better version of yourself, and an opportunity to fix things that are off-centre.

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