By Rob Shaw
Mars is turning retrograde in the sign of Leo (at 6 degrees 10 minutes) on December 4th and may indicate that the next few months will be challenging for some, and perhaps in typical Leonine fashion. There may be a lot of melodrama, conflict, ego or control issues, or maybe just some colourful tempests in teapots. Mars further retrogrades into Cancer on January 6th before making its station as it becomes direct again on February 23rd at 17 degrees 1 minute Cancer.
Mars Retrograde Opposite Pluto
The warrior planet turns retrograde by transit soon after opposing Pluto, which just moved into Aquarius on November 19th and never to return to Capricorn for another 247+ years. Phew, but wait, retrograde Mars in opposition to Pluto? Yipes! Technically, depending on the orbs used, Pluto will be opposing Mars throughout the first 6 weeks of this Mars retrograde. At this time, be aware of unexpected but deeply impactful antagonism, oppression, power-plays and manipulations; your own or others. You may develop an ambition to gain power, or be forced to defend yourself against someone else’s aggression.
Mars retrograde itself will require most of us to retrace our steps regarding at least one of our ongoing actions and activities even if it isn’t aspecting one’s horoscope due to its contact with Pluto the planet of the masses and globalization. Like a Mercury retrograde which may require us to retrace our steps regarding communications, trade/commerce, electronics and travel, the Mars retrograde involves what he rules. During Mercury retrogrades we often see the breakdown of communication or banking systems even if briefly. Mars retrograde may show up as relationship conflicts, acts of aggression or anger, a need for greater defences. What else does Mars rule that may require one to back up, possibly scrap what was in place, and begin new steps down a different but better pathway?
During a Mars retro, it may be best to take apart, think about and PLAN what to change after the retrograde. If you’re given that opportunity that is. Retrogrades have a way of appearing to force us to deal with what is right in front of us NOW and not having a luxury of waiting till the coast is clear. Yet, if possible, plan for and make changes after Mars is direct again, and if you can wait until the stationary direct trine to Saturn around mid-February that would likely be even better. Click here if interested in a breakdown of how each sun sign may manifest the Mars retrograde.
So how may Pluto in opposition to Mars colour the potential retrograde changes? Likely in a very powerful and impactful way. Mars moved into Leo near the USA’s election day when they re-elected Donald Trump as their President while it was already in opposition to Pluto. If anyone paid attention to the news media around then we certainly saw the effect of the warrior planet in opposition to the planet of transformative (or oppressive) power. Power plays, underhanded tactics, explosive accusations, and in some ways “masculine power” in all its forms (including toxic masculinity and “gangster-style” propaganda) was on full display.
Before, when Mars was in Cancer, and in early 2025 when it returns to Cancer by retrograde, Cancerian concerns like the right a female has over her own physical body (and motherhood) became an exceedingly important political concern in the USA and elsewhere. The political advertising and activities were very personal and brutal as the opponents really tried to take each other down using the truth in some cases but mostly not all. Women, human race and religion, motherhood and political merchandise for sale were all exploited to obtain power. If anyone believes the sign of Cancer is unconcerned about power should think again. Just threaten a Cancer’s mother, family, money, possessions, or home/homeland and you’ll find out.
Governmental power itself was centre stage in their election rhetoric as a multi-convicted criminal (Pluto) was eventually re-elected via threats of vindictive repercussions and mass deportations of whoever disagrees with the USA’s new President. The people he has chosen to place in power in 2025 have raised a lot of eyebrows and questions. What a dark, twisted, tangled, underworldly way politics has evolved while Pluto was in Capricorn. We need Pluto in Aquarius to symbolize a restoration of world order and whether Mars is in Leo or Cancer, in aspect to Pluto big changes are coming.
While looking around at other countries around the world today, many elections are being won by people with toxic masculinity, a symbol of old-world male order. The wealthy (Pluto) few hang the rest of us over barrels of oil and promises of AI changing the world while poverty has reached unreal levels in the “richest” countries. The USA will swear-in their newly elected criminal President during this Mars retrograde, and for the Americans possibly herald a four-year cycle of what is expected to be a vindictive and oppressive government administration. Unfortunately, things get very real when Mars and Pluto get together.
Mars and Pluto in negative relationship may often indicate disputes and conflicts that can be powerful and long term. Mars was considered a protector god as well as a warrior god and it is interesting to note that fascist, oppressive, abusive, aggressive and even murderous (assassination?) tactics may be used by one or both parties during Mars-Pluto conflicts. Both planets can be associated with behaviours that are oppressive, angry, mafia-like, hard-line, authoritarian and dark.
It should be said here that positive Mars-Pluto configurations can create great and positive change for individuals or the masses. This is when people may create new groundwork, foundations, and criteria for steady, slowly-evolving growth. What may start as very tiny and humble plans with Mars and Pluto may grow to be very large and all-encompassing in the long-term. Positive Mars-Pluto contacts can build entirely new systems, machinery, communities and fairer governance or adjudication processes. They may also be good for investing in construction and especially reconstruction projects whether that be with industry and commercial buildings or interpersonal relationships. Mars rules the physical body but Pluto is greatly involved with psychology. An ongoing challenge for Mars may be to find ways to form positive relationships with its self-reliant independent loner self and others. Pluto’s deeply binding or devastating effects may work with or against Mars, but either way to a very great outcome usually.
With this opposition in power during the first several weeks of Mars retrograde we should expect that wars and grievances may not be fully settled until the New Year. Worldwide conflicts may come to a peak during this time with much potential violence and destruction. Mars-Pluto conflicts can be extremely powerful and ugly. In fixed signs of Leo-Aquarius this potential becomes explosive and unrelenting, neither willing to give in easily in dispute. Wars in Ukraine and the Mideast have been more long-term and devastating than anticipated, yet we should remember that not all oppositions in astrology are destructive in nature. Planets in opposition can indicate the potential for building bridges of cooperation. We can hope that from the Plutonian destruction in these parts of the world, bridges may still be found and a positive transformation may arise eventually. The current and former rulers of Scorpio may over time develop a spirit of cooperation as they highlight each other’s strengths and liabilities while in contact.
This aspect alone is a huge symbol of the global changes afoot where in the 21st century white male dominance is opposing forces of social change represented by humanitarian Aquarius who will fight for men, children, women, and every race, religion, gender or culture equally. Aquarian humanitarianism and other powerful qualities the sign represent are very much challenged by Mars now and what it represents. Hopefully, Venus’s conjunction of Neptune on February 1 with their combined influence will finally indicate peace and cooperation developing between former foes, whether this be on an international scale, or within personal relationships.
Mars direct will oppose Pluto in Aquarius again in late April, perhaps sealing any agreements made between warring parties up until that point. Neptune, newly in Aries will trine Mars in April as well, hopefully to further inspire Mars in Leo and augment a period of creative healing and positive change.
The longer than usual Mars in Leo opposition to Pluto’s full ingress into Aquarius may indicate the Aquarian Age is being brought more into our consciousness as well as our daily activities. One example: the rise of AI technology which heralds potential growth in technology but may also find a myriad of ways to help (or hinder?) humanity on an everyday basis. AI is already having a major impact in our global society today while still in early development.
To the astrology students reading, what are your thoughts on Mars opposing Pluto as it turns retrograde? Have you noticed what is happening in the world or around you? Please share any comments on our social media.
Mars Retrograde Trine & Then Opposite Mercury in Capricorn
Retrograde Mars will trine the planet Mercury fresh off its own retrograde. Mercury stations direct on December 14 at approximately 6 degrees of Sagittarius. Mars will begin to trine the messenger of the gods a few days before Mercury’s direct turn at the same 6 degrees but of Leo. Because of the near-coinciding retrograde cycles this Mars-Mercury trine will be much longer than usual and fire- and air-signs especially may feel a more positive than negative effect. Aim for more effort in consistent learning, accurate communications, and activities. Keeping sharp, alert and being more patient and cooperative too may be the correct antidotes for potential upheavals or breakdowns at this time.
In late January, Mercury will move along now in Capricorn to oppose Mars retrograde in Cancer. BUT at the same time Venus-Neptune conjunct in Pisces both trine retro Mars. This will have Mercury in sextile to the conjunction, and combined with this great conjunction in trine to Mars, should greatly mitigate potential for opposition conflict. For an individual, an astrologer may interpret this kind of transit as a period when open communication, laying down weapons, sitting down communally at a place of healing or safety, would be best when trying to make amends and resolutions to ongoing problems. A healthy dose of compassion, humanity, kindness and positive energy, all via Pisces, Venus and Neptune would be the right prescription to heal wounds created by Mercury, Mars and Pluto. Let’s hope Mercury does the job of intelligent discourse to get through to beastly Mars.
Retrograde Mars Trine Venus-Neptune Conjunction in Pisces
As it retrogrades into Cancer on January 6th Mars will already be trining Neptune (by then in direct motion) in late Pisces. Mars opposes Mercury in late January but also as the warrior planet trines Venus, which is moving to its conjunction with Neptune on February 1st. Later in January Mars will sextile Uranus in Taurus (which will eventually station direct at 23 degrees 16 minutes on January 29th), and trine Venus in Pisces. As Mars “soaks” itself in the warm embracing bath of a Venus-Neptune conjunction the world should see a cooling off period at least, if not a permanent resolution to conflicts in some parts of the world. Earth and Water signs could benefit the most at this time due to the transiting sextiles and trines if contacting their nativity. These planetary aspects occur in the USA as they are transferring power on January 20th to their controversial president-elect, Donald Trump. Unlike four years before, a more peaceful gathering of activities at the US’s capitol hill should prevail. Worldwide, we can hope that other world leaders find ways to allow the healing nature of Venus, Neptune and Pisces to lead the way.
The Mars retrograde opposing Mercury for several days (approximately January 21-26) would likely indicate a time when serious negotiations could be undertaken to achieve resolutions for a few ongoing conflicts or issues. This could be helpful on a global and personal basis for most of us. Even if this opposition creates a T-square or Grand Cross by transit for some, there is still potential for challenges to be met and positive results to be achieved. Just not without some noise and fireworks perhaps. Mars-Mercury T-squares can be at least a tedious way to clear the air, if not damaging to relationships. But, if concessions and agreements can be made, these more challenging transit activities may still bring satisfactory results for most parties. Saturn trining Mars near the end of its retrograde cycle will help!
Mars Retrograde Trine Saturn in Pisces
Mars will make its station and return direct on February 23rd at 17 degrees 1 minute of Cancer. It will begin trining the taskmaster of the zodiac immediately following the Venus-Neptune conjunction in late January/early February. The trine between Mars and Saturn will be exact on February 9/10 and therefore will be in trine for two weeks before the Mars station, and for another couple months as Mars catches up again to Saturn. This just has to spell good news for many people, especially those with water signs around the mid- to late-degrees. For the world, we can pray that this Mars retrograde cycle has some world leaders re-thinking war and aggression in favour of more diplomatic means to resolve conflicts.
So, can the Mars retrograde affect individuals? Absolutely, especially those with sign placements around the same degrees as the stations. Your personal planets, if aspected, may show you more, or have you feeling the more apparent activities or changes in your life. The natal trans-Martian planets may also be hit by retro Mars and its contacts with Pluto, Neptune, Venus and Mercury but the effects may be more subtle or less noticeable depending on the horoscope. For some, the effects of Mars retrograde will be more long-term when contacting the slow movers and this Mars retrograde may be part of a larger cycle of growth.
Whether on a personal or non-personal basis, this Mars retrograde will have many of us retracing our steps, actions and activities, in more than one relationship, and even with oneself. Retrogrades usually have you take another look at things at least, with the goal in mind to make improvements. With Mars retro in Leo and Cancer, we can explore this part of our horoscope more closely. Especially if your Sun is aspected during this Mars retro, you are advised to take a look at what you attach to your ego or yourself. Is it time to make some changes? What have your activities created for you? Do you need to change some activities? If Pluto is involved then you can bet powerful changes, or very deep inward changes to your or your behaviour, activities or life in general may be required. For many, the early part of 2025 is going to bring about a number of major changes or challenges, yet this could be exactly where we should be. It would be best to be open to meeting these changes and challenges with positive intent to make necessary changes in your life. The more resistant you are, the more painful and challenging the process may be for you and others in your circle.
Click here to read Rob's article on how Mars retrograde may affect each sun sign