By Christine Linwood
The Sun’s ingress into the sign of Capricorn is one of the four cardinal points throughout the year that is studied in mundane astrology. The astrology chart drawn at the time of the solar ingress refers to the following three-month period. This ingress covers the quarter period leading up to the Solar Aries Ingress, which will initiate a new annual cycle of the Sun’s transit through the zodiac.
Often astrologers consult cardinal ingress charts for the same location. For this article, I refer to a chart drawn for Washington, D.C., capital of the United States. I have considered the ingress chart for Ottawa, Canada. Both charts are similar having in common the same rising sign - Scorpio. The ascendants are a few degrees apart: 18°Sc44´ for Canada, and 20°Sc46´ for the United States. I have used the Regiomontanus House system. (See charts below.) Planetary placements are the same both charts, located in the same houses. The aspects between the planets establish the same configurations perhaps suggesting similar circumstances for both neighboring countries.
The Capricorn Ingress chart presents several planets in angular houses which suggests the importance of this time period and the approaching new year.
The second house Sun emphasizes the economic prospects of both nations: revenues and earning power. This includes banks and banking, financial institutions, the stock market, money market and trade. The second house can be a favourable placement for the Sun if it is not heavily afflicted. In the charts, the Sun squares the transiting nodes indicating a significant global period. It is likely a period of fluctuating change, wavering and uncertainty. There may be shifts in governance, governing foundations, purpose or direction. Indeed, significant changes in leadership, values, and government administration are likely as Donald Trump assumes the Presidency in the United States.
The Sun squares Neptune, which applies to conjoin the North Node currently transiting the early degrees of Aries. The nodal axis shifts on January 12th, recessing from Aries-Libra to Pisces-Virgo. The north node will then transit Pisces, while the south node transits Virgo. Sun square Neptune may indicate confusion, disorder, chaos, and uncertainty with changes of leadership and governance. In the fourth house, Neptune is strong in Pisces, perhaps suggesting transmutation of political leanings and ideologies.
The Sun rules the sign of Leo, intercepted in the ninth house. The ninth house, associated with judicial systems, law, morality, ethics, religion, diplomatic entities and foreign affairs features strongly in this solar ingress.
The Virgo Moon in the tenth house is nearing the end of the waning gibbous phase, on the threshold of the last quarter phase. A keyword for the waning gibbous phase is ‘dissemination’ which is suggestive of transfer and carrying on. The Moon, the swifter luminary, will quickly advance into the sign of Libra forming the last quarter phase. The last quarter phase of re-orientation and re-visioning has been described by Dane Rudhyar as ‘crisis in conscience.’ This is a phase associated with instituting ideologies into defined structures of thought or an actual institution. The Moon in the tenth represents not only the people, but also the government, ruling over ninth house matters. Virgo is associated with analysis and separating what is no longer worthwhile or necessary from what is useful, essential and serving.
Often the Sun is taken to represent the leader of a nation, the President or Prime Minister. In Canada, leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is under mounting pressure. Recent events earlier this week suggest that a ‘no confidence’ vote would succeed sooner rather than later. Canada is due for a federal election on or before October 20th, 2025. Look to parliament’s return to session on January 27th before the Aquarius New Moon and the direct station of Uranus in Taurus. An election seems forthcoming, if not in the next few months, then perhaps later in the spring.
A country and its people are described by the first house in mundane astrology. The Scorpio ascendant points to Mars rulership of the chart. Mars is in Leo, retrograde, and located in the ninth house, perhaps describing public grievances that the nation is off-course or sliding backwards. The public seems suspicious of government due to lack of transparency, waste, and inaction; cynical, doubtful that government is committed to or supportive of their needs, interests and securities. Yet this is a resourceful, hardworking public determined to make ends meet. Coping and enduring, the Scorpio Ascendant seems to describe a public in survival mode.
In addition, Mars Rx opposes Pluto currently transiting through the first degree of Aquarius in the third house. Mars – Pluto aspects indicate high, intense energies, often power struggles, and can be violent or explosive. Mars retrogrades into Cancer, January 6th, 2025 – a rather significant day. Mars is considered to be in its ‘Fall’ in Cancer, and as it continues retrograde it will eventually re-enter the eighth house of the ingress chart a few days before the U.S. inauguration on January 20th, 2025. The same day when the Sun conjoins Pluto, Trump steps into office.
The eighth house of shared resources is associated with financial investments, debts, and taxation. Mars Rx here indicates challenging fiscal matters. Perhaps the people are informed of heavier national debts and/or higher rates of taxation. The opposition to Pluto might indicate intensifying or acute economic situations. There are likely to be conflicts over trade tariffs, inflation, the rising costs of goods and services, taxation, funding, the management of resources and careless expenditures.
Mars rules the sixth house associated with national services – civil workers, the armed forces. Potentially the labor force experiences layoffs over lack of funding and budget cuts as the government restructures. As well, there are ongoing, long-term conflicts such as the war in Ukraine and the Middle East region. As these and other global conflicts emerge, intensify, and broaden, the armed forces may be called upon to serve abroad, or perhaps even domestically to deal with national matters due to civil unrest.
The sixth house is also connected with public health which has been gaining much needed attention. Aries on the cusp of the sixth suggests something new is in the works, the initiation of new programs and policies. Women’s reproductive health care issues are likely to return to the table for further debate and perhaps legislation, but currently conversations are concerned with vaccines and immunization. Pluto situated in the third house of the ingress chart implies a willingness to re-examine long held ideas that were either thought to be true without question or believed to be dubious. Pluto’s position suggests transformation occurs in our way of thinking, communication, immediate environment, our daily interactions and business within our communities – especially as its entrance into Aquarius has heralded the arrival of AI.
Mercury in Sagittarius from the first house trines Mars Rx and opposes Jupiter Rx in Gemini implying a busy, edgy news cycle reporting on congressional or parliamentary sessions. Mercury is associated with the news and media, publishing and information, as well as the education system. Mercury makes deals through bargaining and negotiations. There is a mutable grand cross configuration in the solar ingress chart involving the Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter Rx. Mercury rules eighth house matters again stressing financial matters, national debt, budget cuts, taxation, expenditures, and management of resources.
Given that Mercury and Jupiter are associated with the press, media, news and information it is possible that the government limits or restricts access of networks, or perhaps allows access to only a few platforms that have favour or approval with the President. The government through predisposition may influence, introduce and expand its control over the press, social media, and its messaging - reshaping journalism.
Jupiter Rx in Gemini in the seventh house is associated with foreign relations and trade, as well as foreigners. Jupiter rules the second house: the economy, foreign affairs, foreign relations are highlighted. Jupiter also rules the fourth house in which Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces.
Saturn represents the government, government employees who participate in its administration. Saturn in the fourth house may be associated with the homeland, borders and limitations. The southern border and illegal immigration has been a long-term issue in the United States and now appears chronic. Saturn tightly opposes the Moon in Virgo, co-ruling the ninth house associated with the law. This is, of course, emphasizes the enforcement of the nation’s borders and define who has the right to lawfully emigrate to reside within the country. The Virgo Moon suggests critical discernment and its opposition to Saturn suggests government policies and actions may bring fear, insecurity, separation of families and suffering. Perhaps these policies work against the government, eventually meeting with public disfavour.
The incoming President has threatened 25% tariffs on trade with its neighbouring partners and tied these tariffs to the enforcement of the nations borders. This approach is realigning a sense of responsibility with neighbouring countries.
One bright spot in the third house is Venus in Aquarius trine to Jupiter Rx in Gemini. Venus rules the eleventh house of friendly nations, as well as parliament or congress. The trine between these two beneficial planets seems to indicate an opportunity for neighbouring countries to work together in collaboration and contribution towards resolution of these significant issues. Venus in Aquarius suggests neighbouring countries promote diplomatic good will towards each other. This aspect may also be apparent in our governing bodies, our communities, our immediate relations and day-to-day world.
Angular Uranus Rx in Taurus conjoins the descendant suggesting instability in foreign affairs. The seventh house is associated with open enemies and conflicts. This placement suggests the re-working of foreign relationships and the power or influence of the nation.
Uranus is also associated with inventors, inventions, science, electricity, and aviation. Billionaire businessman Elon Musk is connected with science, technology and invention, and he has been an unusual companion of the President-Elect. Even more unusual may be his role (along with Vivek Ramaswamy) in the ‘Department of Government Efficiency’ a proposed presidential advisory committee that is tasked with the restructuring the government of the United States. It will be interesting to follow these outsider influences upon the new administration.
Canada and the United State enjoy a partnership that has been based on common interests, similar values and concerns, strong leadership connections, and economic ties. The ingress charts being nearly the suggests synchronicity and coexistence. The two countries have historically shared one of the most friendly and open borders in the world, as well as a defence and national security partnership that brings greater security. What happens in the United States is key as it may affect the long-standing relationship and partnership. This is a significant time period for both countries as they lead through uncertain times.
In conclusion, studying this ingress chart from a mundane perspective has shown me that what is going on in the external world in the socio-political realm can allow connection with and reflection upon experiences occurring within oneself a personal level. Consider these aspects and where they are falling upon your own chart.
What is falling away, yielding, shifting towards something new? What is extraneous or no longer necessary? Does something need to be let go or released? What is truly serving? What is realigning and restructuring for the future? How does your outer world reflect what’s going on for you?
by Christine Linwood
Mundane Astrology clearly described, an excellent take on a very complex time in our history. A fascinating read…