Image: Ingimage
There has been a lot of online chatter and interest surrounding Pluto’s move into Aquarius this year, and with just cause. Last year’s dip into Aquarius’ realm revealed the power of AI and it felt like giving a loaded gun to a toddler in terms of artistic creation. Gone was the clumsy tool that adapted Hallmark movies into hilariously awful scripts that had induced many an online meme in the previous three years. Suddenly writers and authors were looking at an accomplished tool that rivalled their own works, seamlessly and effortlessly.
Pluto entered Aquarius again this January, practically holding hands with the Sun, shining powerful light into the equally powerful dark. We are cautious about what this heralds for the next 20 years and rightly so. Pluto will eventually find its feet, and we will emerge stronger and more able to use the Aquarian tools we develop.
What I haven’t heard much about is the fact that we have most likely completely left the Piscean Age, and are now looking at 2500 years of Aquarian dynamics that will affect civilization. New societal norms will emerge to shift humanity’s focus outward to new horizons, possibly quite literally, brave new worlds.
In order to realize what this shift can mean, let’s first look at the mechanics of the ages through an astronomical lens:
The celestial equator is a projected imaginary circle on the same plane as the equator of the Earth. This plane is the basis of the equatorial coordinate system. Simply put, the celestial axis equator is a projection of the terrestrial equator into space. The zodiacal belt containing the known constellations lies above us, along the path of the celestial equator.
The Earth is tilted on its axis and because of minor irregularities, the Earth wobbles as it rotates on its axis. This wobble causes the axis to describe an arc around the North and South poles.
The arc this wobble creates around the poles completes 1 degree of a 360 degree circle every 71 years. It takes 25,800 years to complete the circle, and marks a backwards path through the zodiacal belt. This rotation was noticed because the Sun appears slightly earlier every year when compared to a fixed star. This phenomenon is referred to as the Precession of the Equinoxes.
The Egyptians were aware of this precession, but it was not documented and explained until 190 BC.
Astrologically, the Precession of the Equinoxes moves backwards through the signs, each creating an age that lasts 2500 years, more or less. There is no definitive moment for the change of sign; it occurs slowly over time drifting from one sign into the other, creating the ages. Each age is often marked by a specific event that precipitates a global shift in thinking. For example, the Age of Pisces is marked by the rise of religions including Christianity which uses the Piscean fish to describe the Fishers of Men. The sacrificial nature of the new messiah as the Lamb of God is a nod to the waning Age of Aries, symbolized by the Ram.
The Ages

Each age begins with a period of turmoil, and then settles into its purpose. We are in the throes of those changes right now, and our transformation is one of inner consciousness, perhaps a realization of how connected we really are. These are far from new ideas, but perhaps the seeds have finally found fertile ground.
Although Aquarius is an Air sign it is associated with Water as well. As the Water Bearer, Aquarius holds spiritual knowledge for us until we are ready to transcend into a higher consciousness, with an understanding that we cannot operate individually anymore. Our actions (or lack thereof) affect the planet and all living things; we are an integral link in the chain of life.
Our scientific minds have long understood the natural world and we are able to predict celestial events with mathematical accuracy. And now we are also aware of the harmonics of nature, the subtle effects of unseen particles that affect and connect us in ways we have not even begun to understand.
The development of Quantum Mechanics requires that scientists must make their own leap of faith, in much the same way people of religious faith do, believing in something other than what we can see.
So what do the next 2500 years years hold for humanity? Will water become the new currency, holding more value than gold? Will we finally let go of our closely held borders as we realize we’re all in this together? Will AI be the tool we hope for and not the enemy we fear? Our Brave New World awaits…
Emily Layng: emilylayng@gmail.com