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Aries Point

Q: What is the Aries Point?

A: The Aries Point is the beginning of the Astrological Year. It marks the Spring Equinox. The circular horoscope wheel that is in common usage today was developed approx. 3000 years ago by Grecian Astronomers and Astrologers. They were not the first society to recognize the impact of celestial phenomena on Earth, but they may have been the first to equate celestial events with Earthbound events. The circular horoscope that they developed reflected the world around them in addition to the celestial objects above them. They chose the Spring Equinox as their starting point because they saw new life and new beginnings at this time of year. Their society was largely agrarian, lambing begins, and the first growth in recently sown fields appears at this time.

In Traditional astrology the true Aries point is 0° of Aries, but 0° of all the cardinal signs can be referred to as an Aries point. These sensitive points indicate an abundance of energy, each related to a different expression. Aries, personal growth; Cancer, family; Libra, partnerships; and finally Capricorn, changes in status.

In modern astrology the 0° Aries point is identified as a sensitive point, and is associated with fame or recognition for achievements. It represents being noticed, being in the public eye and is triggered by transits over the location of the point in our chart.

Since the development of the circular horoscope the Aries point has drifted westward due to the wobble of the Earth, a wobble that produces a slight arc of the earth’s axis. This slight arc moves 1degree every 71 years. It takes close to 26000 years to complete a 360° circle and the axis moves backwards through the 12 signs of our zodiac wheel. We are  currently transitioning from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. This is referred to as the precession of the Equinox and as a result, the tropical zodiac (Western Astrology’s base) no longer corresponds to the constellations.

When the sun reaches the Spring Equinox, near or on March 21st, night and day hours are equal around the world, hence the name, Equinox. This date also shifts over time; in 1990 the Equinox was invariably the 22nd, it is now typically 21st.

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