Our Courses cover three levels of Western Astrology:
Beginners Astrology (Level One), 2 sessions
Intermediate Astrology (Level Two). 2 sessions
Advanced Astrology (Level Three), 2 sessions
You can measure your knowledge of Astrology by writing CAAE Astrology Exams in spring of each year. Once you pass each exam with a 70% grade, you will receive a certificate. You may then choose to continue with the 6 advanced courses and after successfully completing that exam receive the CAAE Diploma, Accredited Astrologer.

Level 1 ~ Part 1
Study the Sun signs, Planets, Houses, Elements, Modalities, Aspects and Essential Dignities in Astrology Charts. Students will learn to interpret their own and other people’s birth charts.
Level 1 ~ Part 2
Learn about Configurations, Sign Rulerships, Houses, Aspects and the Sun/Moon/Ascendant Blend. Introduction to Retrogrades, the Nodes and Chiron.
Level 2 ~ Part 1
Study the Major Aspect Configurations in greater detail. Learn about Chart Patterns, Unaspected Planets, House Cusps and Aspects to the Ascendant and Midheaven.
Level 2 ~ Part 2
Covers the Moon Phases, Eclipses, the Moon’s Nodes and the Void of Course Moon. Students are introduced to the Vertex, Fixed Stars and Out of Bounds Planets. There will be class discussion about relationship compatibility.
Level 3 ~ Part 1
Study the cyclic nature of the inner and outer planets. Learn about Progressed Charts, concentrating on the Progressed Moon and the Progressed Sun.
Level 3 ~ Part 2
Students will continue to work on Planetary Transits and Progressed Charts with an introduction to Solar Arc Direction and Solar Return Charts.
In addition to finishing levels 1 through 3, completion of all 6 courses is required to receive a diploma. Each of the courses are a minimum of 25 hours of study.
Chart Calculations and Celestial Mechanics
Vocational Astrology
Astrology of Relationships
Horary and Electional
Chart Rectification
Consulting Skills for Astrologers
Classes or individual tutoring is available for these advanced courses for the CAAE Diploma.