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The Canadian Association for Astrological Education is a membership based, non-profit organization. Incorporated in 1993, it was established through the strength of the founding members Joan Gibbins and Elaine Pond and continues to thrive today because of the efforts of professional Canadian Astrologers who provide a formal approach to the teaching and study of astrology for both students and teachers.

The CAAE seeks to create a standardization toward the learning process of professional western astrology and works with the objective to keep the vast and diverse data that encompasses the subject of astrology, into logical components for those who seek to understand Western Astrology better.

The CAAE is made up of a large network of educated and established astrology teacher members who bring forth the CAAE professional astrology curriculum to student members while delivering the material with their own teaching filter and style.

The CAAE maintains a dedicated Board of Directors who are elected bi-annually, by all CAAE members. It is through the dedicated effort of the CAAE Board, appointed committee members and wonderful volunteers that the CAAE has provided professional astrology examinations across Canada every May and as a result many Professional Astrology Certifications & Diplomas have been awarded.

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Canadian Association for Astrological Education

©1993-2024 THE CAAE

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